7.1. Running with large numbers of ranks and nodes

Running MirgeCOM on large systems can be challenging due to the startup overheads of Python and the MirgeCOM-related packages, as well as due to caching effects of kernels. As a general rule, make sure to execute MirgeCOM on a parallel file system, not on NFS-based file systems. On Quartz and Lassen, for example, this would mean running on the /p/lscratchh/ and /p/gpfs1/ file systems, respectively. See the Livermore documentation for more information.

7.1.1. Avoiding the startup overhead of Python

On large systems, the file system can become a bottleneck for loading Python packages, especially when not running on a parallel file system. To avoid this overhead, it is possible to create a zip file with the Python modules to speed up the startup process. Emirge contains a helper script to create such a zip file. This can be used by specifying the --modules parameter to install.sh when installing emirge, or by running makezip.sh after installation.

7.1.2. Avoiding errors and overheads due to caching of kernels

Several packages used in MirgeCOM cache generated files on the hard disk in order to speed up multiple executions of the same kernel. This can lead to errors and slowdowns when executing on multiple ranks due to concurrent hard disk accesses. Indicators of file system concurrency issues include:

.conda/envs/dgfem/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyopencl/cache.py:101: UserWarning:
could not obtain cache lock--delete '.cache/pyopencl/pyopencl-compiler-cache-v2-py3.8.3.final.0/lock' if necessary


pocl-cuda: failed to generate PTX

In order to avoid these issues, users should direct the packages to create cache files in directories that are private to each rank by using the XDG_CACHE_HOME and POCL_CACHE_DIR environment variables, such as in the following example:

$ export XDG_CACHE_ROOT="/tmp/$USER/xdg-cache"
$ export POCL_CACHE_ROOT="/tmp/$USER/pocl-cache"
$ srun -n 512 bash -c 'POCL_CACHE_DIR=$POCL_CACHE_ROOT/$$ XDG_CACHE_HOME=$XDG_CACHE_ROOT/$$ python -m mpi4py examples/wave.py'

There is also on-disk caching of compiled kernels done by CUDA itself. As of 01/2023, we have not observed issues specific to this caching. The CUDA caching behavior can also be controlled via environment variables.